Understanding Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment Options

Understanding Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment Options


Understanding Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment Options

Understanding Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment Options.

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is diseases that occur when the median nerve, which originates from the forearm in to palm of hand, is compressed. Carpal tunnel is a tunnel at the wrist made up of a series of ligament and bones and contains the median nerve and the tendons that control the movement of the fingers. Pain, numbness and weakness in hand or wrist due to pressure on the median nerve are clinical features of CTS.

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Factors Causing Carpal Tunnel Syndrome:

Several factors can contribute to the development of CTS:

    1. Repetitive Hand Movements: Repeating the same movements commonly the flexing and extending of the wrist and fingers cause inflammation of the tendon and causes the median nerve to be compressed.
    2. Ergonomic Strain: In this case, it gets worse by holding the wrist in a wrong position and using the hand in adroitly while typing, or while using hand tools.
    3. Medical Conditions: This disease arises from some medical and non-medical conditions such as diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, thyroid dysfunction, obesity, and many others.
    4. Injury or Trauma: Wrist or fracture injuries results to the reduction of the size of Carpal tunnel that in turn increases pressure on the median nerve.
    5. Pregnancy: Since hormones in a pregnant woman’s body are changing, it makes her develop CTS due to the likelihood of swelling.
    6. Genetics: Some people are more susceptible to CTS because traits are inherited and this encompasses the structure of the wrist.

When to see the doctor?

Visit your doctor if any of the following occur:

  • An increase in pain not relieved by pain medicine.
  • An increase in swelling is not relieved by elevating your hand.
  • A large increase in the amount of drainage on your dressing.
  • An increase in the feeling of coolness or color changes in your fingers or fingertips.
  • A foul smell from the dressing.
  • Chills or fever of 101 F or above.
    Relieving pressure on the median nerve

 Symptoms and Signs of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

In most cases, there is no cure for carpal tunnel syndrome and therefore early signs of carpal tunnel should be recognized. Common symptoms include:

  1. Numbness or Tingling: The first symptom is diminished sensitivity in the thumb, the three fingers that follow it, and the first half of the fourth finger – the affected area feels like pins and needles.
  2. Pain in the Wrist or Hand: It can become localized to the wrist and radiates up the arm or down to the fingers. This pain may be made worse at night or any time after the person has been involved in some form of rigorous activity for awhile.Carpal tunnel numbness and pain
  3. Weakness: Some of the consequences include: Manage pain while handling objects, weakening of the grip as well as in the extreme scenario loss of grip because of the loss of sensation.
  4. Burning Sensation: Little do people report of a burning sensation that affects the wrist or hand area.
  5. Clumsiness: Difficulty in buttoning a shirt, difficulty in lifting objects, in dropping objects easily, weakness at the grip, getting gradually weaker in gripping an object, having pain at night are the signs that depict the Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.


Carpal Tunnel Release Surgery

Carpal tunnel release surgery is the most common surgical management of CTS. The operation involves severing the ligament, which reduces the carpal tunnel’s roof on the space occupied by the nerve and the tendons. This can be done in one of two ways:

  1. Open Release Surgery: The surgery involves having the surgeon cut the ligament by making an incision at the base of the palm.
  2. Endoscopic Surgery: A minimally invasive procedure where the doctor inserts a small tube with a camera to guide the surgery through a miniscule initial incision to the ligament.


They are both effective, but the endoscopic surgery is usually followed by quicker recovery and reduced discomfort in the course of the recovery period.


Post-Surgical Recovery

Thus, unlike other bones, there is a surgery called wrist arthroscopy followed by structured rehabilitation program for the skeletal muscle in the area. There are long-term effects since different patients take different times to recover, but majority of them are able to resume normal activities in several weeks to some months. They may require the services of a physical therapist during their recovery process so as to avoid stiffness and or to enhance their functionality.


Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: The Diagnosis

The assessment that would have been done at first diagnosis will entail taking the patient through a physical examination while at the same time conducting a health history check. Common diagnostic techniques include:

  1. Tinel’s Sign Test: In this test, the physician employs the use of finger to tapping over the median nerve at the wrist so as to check for any tingling or any discomfort.
  2. Phalen’s Maneuver: This is done with an aim of flexing the wrist for certain time in order to determine the extent to which the signs are worsened.
  3. Nerve Conduction Studies: Stimulation is done by using electrical impulses to the median nerve to check the rate of response. Compression is shown by a low response rate.
  4. Electromyography (EMG): One of these tests is for determining the electrical activity of muscles and whether muscle damage originated from nerve compression or not.


How is carpal tunnel syndrome treated?

Carpal tunnel treatment depends on how bad your symptoms are. Your doctor will check you and decide what carpal tunnel treatment options would be most helpful to you. Carpal tunnel treatment include:

  1. Wrist splints: Your doctor or therapist may prescribe wrist splints. Moving your hand and wrist up or down narrows the space in the carpal tunnel. This puts more pressure on the median nerve. Wrist splints help to reduce pressure by keeping your wrist in a relaxed position. Some splints are worn only at night. Others protect the wrist during work or other activities.
  2. Hand and wrist exercises: These exercises are prescribed by your doctor or a Physiotherapist.
  3. Medicine to reduce swelling: Your doctor may prescribe medicine to help reduce swelling. As the swelling in the carpal tunnel goes down, the pressure is relieved from the median nerve. 
  4. Medicine injected into the wrist area: Steroids are medicines that can be injected into the wrist area to help bring down the swelling in the carpal tunnel. When there is less swelling, there is less pressure on the median nerve.
  5. Elevation: It’s important to keep your hand raised above the level of your heart as much as possible for the first 48 hours following surgery. This helps to reduce swelling and pain.



    Carpal Tunnel Syndrome however happens too often in today’s society but when diagnosed early and with the help of proper treatment and lifestyle changes the problem can be controlled. The symptoms, consulting your doctor if such symptoms are experienced, and ways of preventing the diseases affecting hands and wrists are crucial aspects in keeping the body fit. Blessing come in various forms; home remedies also, medical treatment, or surgery depending on the severity, therefore, carpal tunnel relief is achievable. Prevention wise, it means embracing ergonomism, and most importantly learning to be perceptive and take steps towards changing habits that trigger the onset of this condition.



    1. What is the corti trial signal for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?

    First symptoms are a prickly or tingly feeling or even complete lack of sensation in the thumb, the first three fingers or half the fourth. You may also have pain and discomfort in the wrist especially at night.

    1. Is there auto therapeutic remedy possible to Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?

    Carpal Tunnel Syndrome can be treated conservatively by abstaining from activities that initially brought on the pain, avoiding the use of the affected wrist at work, using a wrist brace and altering the work station to accommodate the wrist. But sometimes, it might worsen to a next level where surgery or medical treatment might be necessary.

    1. How do you know if your carpal tunnel is healing after the operation?

    Recovery is quite different in each case and generally, most patients are able to commence light activities in about two weeks. For complete recovery it may take close to 6 months of recovery though the process depends on the invasiveness of the surgery or the seriousness of the symptoms before the surgery.

1 Comment

  1. TENS machine work by sending electronic stimulating pulses across the surface of the skin and along the nerve strands. The stimulating pulses help prevent pain signals from reaching the brain.

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