How to Prevent Asthma Attacks: A Comprehensive Guide

How to Prevent Asthma Attacks: A Comprehensive Guide

How to prevent asthma attacks a comprehensive guide

How to Prevent Asthma Attacks: A Comprehensive Guide

There are many kinds of chronic diseases that develop in a human respiratory system and one of them is asthma and is widespread in many countries of the world. The truth is that it can be quite a debilitating disease because it may result in the patient having to struggle with breathing problems, chest pains and coughs. One important thing to realize is that asthma in adults is not an untreatable disease thus the odds of attacks and the well being of the victims are boosted.

What is Asthma?

Understanding Asthma

Asthma on the other hand is a chronic inflammation disease that affects some of the passageways, known as the bronchi, to constrict and swell making it difficult to breathe. This condition is mostly brought by some influences in the environment for instance; allergies, air pollution, cold air or respiratory illnesses. Asthma is classified according to the extent of the symptoms that it causes; an individual may experience an asthma attack once or twice a year while another may have frequent attacks that interfere with day to day activities.

Common Symptoms of Asthma

Asthma symptoms can vary from person to person, but the most common symptoms include;

Shortness of breath:

Pain that is worse during sports sections and at night.

Chest tightness or pain:

It is a difficult to describe discomfort within the chest that can be quite agonizing.


Breath sounds, particularly wheezing or shouting whistle such as the whistle which is audible or heard during blowing out.


This can be persistent at some times, this prevails mostly at night or early in the morning.

Trouble sleeping:

Odd sensations in the chest and problems breathing especially at night which results in poor sleep as well as fatigue hence poor quality of life.

There are two types of asthma, chronic where people suffer from the symptoms all the time, and episodic where the symptoms crop up at certain times. These episodes are referred to as asthma attacks and if not well handled are could be fatal.

How to Prevent Asthma Attacks

Below are some effective strategies for preventing asthma attacks:

1. Identify and Avoid Triggers

Asthma stimulus is elements that is either external or internal, which leads to swelling of the airway and hence an asthma episode. Common triggers include:


Some examples of indoor allergens are pollen, dust, mite, animal, feathers and mold which causes an asthma episode.

Air Pollution:

The areas for which exposure to smoke or fumes or pollution of the air/the condition of asthma could further worsen.

Respiratory Infections:

Asthma is a disease which may develop as a result of various factors such as cold, flu and other respiratory illnesses.


However, increased physical activity increases the exercise-induced asthma among persons
Weather Conditions: Weather may also cause asthma such as cold air, humidity and an abrupt change in the weather.

Stress and Strong Emotions:

One can get asthmatic if he or she experiences a lot of stress or if he or she becomes extremely happy.

How to Avoid Triggers

Once you’ve identified your triggers, take steps to avoid or minimize exposure:

  • You should ensure that there are no allergens within your home by using air purifiers.
  • It is recommended to close the windows especially during the times of the year when pollen is produced most.
  • It also advised that people ensure their homes are clean to reduce dust and moisture which is a requirement for mold growth.
  • Reduce your contact with smoke and air borne irritants.
  • Choose a scarf or mask to cover your nose and mouth particularly when it is cold out there.

2. Follow Your Asthma Action Plan

An asthma action plan is a guideline developed by your doctor to chart how you will effectively manage your asthma.

Parts of an Asthma Action Plan

Your asthma action plan should include:


Specific information about control medications used during a day and relievers for an asthma attack.

Peak Flow Meter Readings:

Instructions on how to check your Lung capacity.

Trigger Avoidance:

Information that should help in minimizing such triggers as are known.

Emergency Instructions:

Emergency precautions you should follow if there is a deterioration in your symptoms, including a severe asthma attack.

3. Take Medications as Prescribed

Long-Term Control Medications

These are used on a daily basis so as to manage and minimize episodes and instances of asthma. These medicines help prevent inflammation in the airways, and maintain symptoms in cheque. These are medicines which have to be regularly used to keep the condition of the patient with asthma manageable.

Quick-Relief Medications

Rescue medications, commonly known as quick rescue inhalers include; Short acting beta-agonists (SABAs) are prescribed in individuals experiencing an asthma attack to offer instant relief by widening the airways and hence allowing breathing. One ought to take the rescue inhaler with him constantly.

4. Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle

Exercise Regularly

It is a known fact that exercise triggers asthmatic conditions in some people but on the other hand is good for instances that require neuronal exercise. Talk to your doctor on what type of exercise is suitable for you; you should be in a position to develop an exercise plan. For instance, considering some of the most rudimentary exercises the swimming, walking or cycling is recommended especially for those with asthma.

Eat a Balanced Diet

Taking fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean protein food will help your immune to be strong and at the same time reduce inflammation. There is also certain data available in the literature which suggests that patients having asthma could benefit from foods rich in antioxidants and omega 3 fatty acids. Among the foods which may be consumed are fish, nuts, and green vegetables among others.

Manage Stress

Stress can also worsen asthma and that is why people with this condition must know how to manage stress. The ones mentioned are suggestions which include: exercise such as deep breathing, meditation, and yoga that helps the mind and the body to relax.

How to Reduce Asthma Symptoms

Reducing asthma symptoms is key to living a full and active life. Here are some strategies to help you reduce asthma symptoms:

1. Improve Indoor Air Quality

Use Air Purifiers

Cleaning tools and equipment such as air purifiers have the capability of filtering the air within your house thus reducing on concentrations of methyl chlorides which are triggers of asthma. HEPA should be used on the purifiers since it helps in trapping of small particles including dust, pollen as well as pet dander.

Keep Your Home Clean

Some simple measures that can be taken include cleaning the house to decrease dust, mold and other irritants. Use vacuum cleaner having HEPA filter and absorbency of bed clothes in hot water to control dust mites. Other simple measures to avoid exposure to pets include not allowing pets on beds or furniture and avoiding having pets sleep in bedrooms.

Control Humidity Levels

It is also well known that high humidity causes the best soil for molds and dust mites. This can be best achieved by use of dehumidifier that will help maintain low levels of humidity within the house at between 30-50%. But the truth is that there are measures that can be taken in order to regulate the humidity level and dealing with this problem is not a big issue, as soon as it is kept under control at the first stages. Mold is particularly hazardous to asthmatics that is why all mold issues should be addressed without delay.

2. Practice Breathing Exercises

Diaphragmatic Breathing

Belly breathing is another name for diaphragmatic breathing and it is basically a deep breathing in as compared to the shallow breathing in the chest region. This technique is useful in enhancing the lung capacity and therefore the episodic asthma symptoms.

Pursed-Lip Breathing

Closing the lips and breathing in with the nose and then breathing out through the lips with the lips rounded like those of a fish is called Pursed-lip breathing. This in a way assists to keep the airways open for a longer period and makes breathing easy.

3. Stay Hydrated

You are advised to take a lot of water this will help in preventing the irritation of your airways because they will not be dry. This is because water in the body is continuously being depleted through the skin, especial during the cold weather or in dry climates. Hydration also helps to reduce the thickness of the mucus lining in the Airways thus facilitating breathing in patients with respiratory diseases.

4. Use Natural Remedies


Ginger has its quality of controlling inflammations which maybe useful for asthmatic patients. Thus, there are certain works that state that ginger can be useful in relaxing some of the muscles that lead to breathing issues in the long run. Ginger can be eaten fresh; chopped and added to salads, as a spice in different foods, and drinks and ginger supplements.


Another example of honey used as a folk remedy is in the treatment of coughs and sore throat which has been in practice for many centuries. It may also has a calming effect within the airways and reduce the coughing in asthmatic patients.

Essential Oils

Some of the oils such as eucalyptus and peppermint are used in treating the symptoms related to challenges in breathing. With couple of drops of oil added to the hot water bowl and covering our heads above the steam or place few drops of the oil in the diffuser.

How-to prevent asthma attacks
Ways to Reduce Asthma Attacks

In addition to the strategies mentioned above, here are some additional ways to reduce asthma attacks:

1. Avoid Smoke

Quit Smoking

Tobacco smoke is a potent asthma trigger and the only effective methods to minimize asthma attacks are to quit tobacco smoking. Smoking is also unhealthy as it affects the bronchial tubes and make asthmatic patients to have difficulties in managing their symptoms. It is one of the best things that you could ever do to your health, especially if you are an asthmatic patient who is still smoking.

Avoid Secondhand Smoke

Second hand smoking also causes asthmatic complications. Put distance between yourself and others who smoke and, in general, ask the people around you not to smoke in front of you.

2. Manage Allergies

People who have allergies also have asthma or the vice versa is usually the case. Control of your allergy can contribute to the reduction of the symptoms of asthma and likely hood of an attack.

Take Allergy Medications

Allergy sufferers for instance should consult their physicians about the need to take antihistamines or other allergy suppressants to help stop asthmatic episodes. This means that over the counter or even prescribed medicines can help regulate allergic reactions that may cause formation of asthma.

Consider Allergy Shots

Allergy shots, which is also called immunotherapy can reduce your allergic reactions towards certain triggers and in turn lessen the asthmatic symptoms you experience. It entails getting small doses of allergens into the body usually through injections at intervals so that the body can become immune to them.

3. Be Prepared for Exercise

Warm-Up Before Exercising

Warming up must be done before exercising, in order to reduce the likelihood of an asthma attack occurring while exercising. It could be recommended for trainers that are new to the job to start by taking the clients through low impact forms of exercises including walking or stretching to the next level exercises.

4. Plans for Travel

You need to be cautious because when you travel you are likely to be in different environment and come across different stimulus.

Pack Your Medications

It is important for an asthmatic patient to always carry along his/her asthma medications especially the rescue inhaler during business/leisures trips. No matter the means of transport you are using while traveling be it an aircraft, just make sure that your medications are with you.

Research Your Destination

Before going for the journey, ensure you also check on quality of air as well as the level of pollen. In case you plan of moving to a high altitude area then you need to know that moving to such an area may trigger asthma.

5. Consult with Your Health Care Manager

Schedule Regular Check-Ups

It is advisable to visit your doctor for check up as a way of preventing as Asthma condition from worsening. This healthcare professional can check your lung function, change your medications accordingly and assist you in managing asthma control plan.

A Change in Your PEP or Asthma Action Plan

Your asthma action plan should be taken and revised periodically, especially when some of the symptoms or causes of the condition change. Check with your doctor about your emergency preparedness plan to ensure that the information is current and relevant to you.


Asthma is a condition that may be inconvenient for some people, however, it is possible to manage your symptoms, avoid triggers and live as you possibly want. With help of practicing what should be avoided, following the asthma action plan, taking medications, proper diet and regular exercising, you can manage asthma. Never forget to consult with your healthcare provider with whom you can design an effective asthma care plan for you.

Asthma is a life-long disease and its management also requires constant efforts and dedication to patients’ care. Fortunately, by following all the tips and using all the strategies described below, you can dramatically decrease the impact of asthma on your life. Be it modifying the way one lives, getting check-ups done, or conducting intense communications with the doctors, there ways to prevent asthma from becoming bad. Thus, you can better your quality of life and diminish the frequency and intensity of asthma attacks and you can live without much worry.

Q1: What is asthma?
Asthma is a long-term medical illness that affect the respiratory system, marked with inflammation and constricting of the airways thus leading to problems in breathing.
Q2: What are the signs of an asthma attack?
Symptoms that the patients present include difficulty in breathing, chest congestion, breathing difficulties, and cough especially at dawn.
Q3: What should one do to avoid getting asthma attacks?
Ways of minimizing asthma attacks include staying away from other factors that can cause asthma, sticking to your asthma management plan, taking all necessary prescribed drugs and practicing proper health habits.


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